Every thoroughly build modes of social organization of society should examine economic relationships and principles in the corresponding system. These are the rights of ownership, commercial rules, economic and labor rights and many others.
In continuation of millenniums states have trusted upon different forms of capitalistic economy, in which selfish strive towards fortune is supposed to lead to economic prosperity and the state and private organizations are capable to implement their policies and projects. This is deeply ingrained psychological program how to build economic relationships and how to perceive others as resource, without regards whether they are consumers, economic partners, or competitors. The open in-depth analysis of this pattern or searching an alternative is mildly unpopular endeavors.
Capitalism is related with free economic initiative and the emerging entrepreneurs. If we observe the boundaries of this freedom, we will easily establish the following limitations in capitalistic economy:
- The beginning entrepreneur by definition does not have enough resources, with which he can carry out his project. Therefore he needs an investor or financial credit, which means gaining the trust of private organizations with capital, which are interested in making a profit from it. The result is that the creative impulse of the person to improve society is limited to developing a product, which somebody is ready to purchase at this very moment. Such a product might not be the object that he desires to create in the beginning. The creative impulse has to be merchandized and distorted in accordance to the market, if it wants to prevail in a capitalistic society.
- The freedom of the entrepreneur is extremely limited also by the attitude of the other merchants. Every small or medium enterprise comparatively easily can be forced to merge with a bigger one, which means to lose control over its development. Its relative freedom in the market exists until the moment that it becomes an attractive bite or unattractive competitor for a bigger corporation.
Holistic governing directs economic and social processes globally from a much higher perspective and with completely different aim – to develop the maximum potential of every participant to be creative in the service to the whole. Such projects are planned several decades ahead in order to be beneficial for the participants, but also for the next generations. Here we can stress again that interests of humankind include leaving better environment for the next generations and not exploiting as much as you can sell, as it is in capitalism today. In capitalistic management it is typical that most of the private subjects are making short-term plans and caring for Earth and its species is very often a luxury, or considered to be an obligation of the state or NGOs. The private business is functioning in harsh competition and his aim is to survive by exploiting all available resources in the most profitable way, in order to gain capital, return their debts and pay their taxes. Capitalistic economy is able to function only if the person is identifying himself with his ego and succumbs to its impulses for indulgence. The present day system persuades the individual that his significance as a citizen and as an individual is measured through his material wealth. This attitude is crucial in the formation of demand and supply of new and more luxurious goods. Socio-economic development of individuals and organizations in the capitalistic system is possible, when they are chasing the financial resources and trying to dominate the others. Capitalism encourages creating goods, which can be sold and the person can profit from them, without regards how damaging these products can be, or whether the same resources can be used for much beneficial, ecological and healthy products.
Building of social and political weight of people and organizations with selfish attitudes drastically diminishes the capacity of good leadership in society. On the other hand, people, who perceive themselves as spiritual beings, who are supposed to cherish and care for their emotions, thoughts, actions and values, are becoming inconvenient consumers, who are creating qualitatively different demand. Spirituality which is not related to religious institution and submissive behavior is also resulting in conscious behavior as active citizen and consumer. Such people will understand when they are deceived by politicians, cheated by merchants and misled by religious authorities. If people are living in a moderate and balance way, which does not stimulate others to produce unhealthy or not so needed goods and services, this will result in a small change of direction of the spin of the economic wheel. A person or a group of people, who are led by the driving force of service to the whole, should guarantee their material economic independence, physical security and accurate interaction in the world, in order to see the flourishing of their ideals.
The holistic view does not regard economic abundance and wealth as inhumane status or selfish desires. The social problem emerges, when a person stops to be interested in the effects of his actions, in the process of gaining wealth and starts disregarding the interests of others. Such blindness and selfishness is the biggest social problem of the capitalistic societies and of the economic processes in them!
In order to build the ideal of holistic society, which is capable to function in the interest of the whole and to develop all its members in the direction, they desire and in harmony with the environment, it is necessary to provide and answer of the following question: How to create holistic economy?
Presently, all states are structuring their economies, applying the egoistic capitalistic model. This means that in order to be applied the holistic economic model, it has to be introduced in such a way, so that it can adapt in the beginning to the capitalistic system of relationships. The reason for applying the holistic economic model as part of the capitalistic societies is because there is no political and economic vacuum on the planet. The possibilities for experimenting variations of the holistic economic model are open with the discovering of new lands. This hypothesis is applicable mainly in outer space exploration, because Earth has already been distributed to different nations. Here it is important to highlight that in the past “the discovery” of new lands was most of the time their taking away from the native inhabitants, who have lived with their customs and economic and political models.
The holistic economic model never and in no form should be imposed forcefully on a person or a nation, as this was conducted with capitalism during the colonization of lands. The disappointment of the principles on which are based the capitalistic societies and the search for better working solutions of present day global challenges, will provide the opportunity for the holistic paradigm to find its followers, ideological keepers and political pioneers in societies. One of the most important fields, which require transformation of the relationships in the society, is the economy in all aspects, related to it.
Unlike the capitalistic and communistic systems, the holistic initiates the economic processes by firstly gathering the need of every participant of the organization and then making an assessment. The production with resources which are public property is complied with the interests of the subjects of the holistic model. Therefore, this is an economy, which is built to transform the resources into goods in such a way, which would bring the best satisfaction of the interests of the subjects of the holistic model, for a particular historic time. Holistic economy is the process of creating, offering, distributing, using and recycling of goods in a way which protects the interests of humankind, animals, plants and Earth. This is a significant distinction with the capitalistic economy, which relies on meeting the demand and supply by colliding private interests of many actors, without being relevant the interests of the biological species and the planet.
Capitalistic system considers all its participants (including humans) as a replaceable resource, which can be used by a dominating legal subject on his discretion, regardless of the joyful development of all living organisms. Holistic economy differs substantially from capitalistic also in its principles of distribution of goods, produced with public resources.
Their provision is conducted with priority of classes of needs for all participants of the organization, as this is seen as a human right which the system has to protect.
In this way the holistic economy arranges into classes the needs and not the people, as this is conducted in capitalism. Labor process in turn is function of implementation of this human right and of directly organized satisfaction of the needs of the participants.
The principle of equal rights to public goods
It is necessary to be thickly highlighted that the holistic model does not foresee depriving or forcibly expropriating private property. The holistic organization does not forbid private property as a legal institute, because this would mean huge violation of rights and freedoms of the people and introducing dictatorship in the name of equality ones again! Even more, inviolability of private property is protected in much greater extend for a private person in a state, which has adopted the holistic model. The first example, which proves this statement, is that a holistic state would not sanction a criminal behavior by forcibly expropriating private property of the person, who has committed a crime. Secondly, if private property is needed for public goods, it would not be possible to be forcibly expropriated and substituted with an equivalent property of the state, as it is a common practice in capitalistic societies.
In modern legal systems always exists the possibility private property to be expropriated by the state on the grounds of public needs as well as a form of sanction for criminal activities. These legal possibilities are not put in the focus of attention to the people in capitalistic societies, who are persuaded by official that private property is sacrosanct for the state. In fact it is not.
Main specific of the holistic economy is that public resources are managed as a unified organism and are used for creation of goods and services, which are freely accessible for the participants and distributed relatively equally in quality and quantity between them. This system aims to satisfy the classes of needs to the participants and to be flexible for their individual preferences.
The production and distribution of goods from part of the public resources, owned by the holistic organization, and the provision of free and equal access to goods and services, is of key importance for the creation of holistic society.
As was written above, the distribution should not refer to all public property, because some of it is needed for the people who are conducting specific activities, for example a cosmonaut and his space suit or a fireman and his fire suit and technical equipment. In the beginning these types of goods should not be set for equal access and free distribution upon a request. In case of good governance of the holistic organization there will be included more and more public goods and services with free access.
On the capitalistic motto “There is no thing as free lunch” is presented the holistic alternative one: “The lunch is free, when we are creating it together and sharing between each other.”
Why equal access to goods and services, created with public resources is important?
Firstly, this is direct and practical application of the fundamental principle and value that all people are equally important manifestations of the humankind and of the Absolute and therefore deserve equal access to goods and services, particularly to those, created with public resources. Equal access to goods and services is validation of their equal opportunity to develop themselves in the service to the whole. If is provided the opportunity a person to receive his needed products as well as all other participants of the holistic organization, gradually will be eliminated the class division of society, based on economic criteria. This would be a huge step towards elimination of the notion that one group of people deserves more rights than another.
For the holistic organization the primary function of the goods and services is to support the people in pursue of happiness and in their creative impulses to improve the life of all. Goods and services are not used as a reward in the holistic organization and their deprivation is never used as a form of sanction to a person, or an organization.
The right to receive for free a product, created from public resources, at the same time with every other participant is the relevant criteria to achieve equality in distribution of goods and services. For example, if a person doesn’t want to eat strawberries in a particular day, he is not going to order a delivery of strawberries. However, the possibility these fruits to be delivered to him, if he desires, is what put him equally in distribution of goods with all other participants. This principle is much more appreciative to the individuality and freedom of the person to choose whether to use or not a specific product, instead of giving everyone the same type of goods, without regards of their preferences. Therefore, maintaining equal access to public goods is important to sustain equal economic rights in a holistic organization. In order to be fulfilled the principle of equal access to goods the inclusion of every product for distribution to the participants should be when it is in the need quantity to satisfy the needs of those participants, who desire to order it.
Through introducing equal access to public goods and service the organization aims to stimulate the people to be more focused on what they are giving with their work to the organization, instead of thinking what they could afford to buy with their salary, as it is in egoistic systems. What a person receives in a holistic organization is an indicator whether it is managed well and whether the participants are capable to achieve the desired results. The abundance for every participant would become a reality, if the management utilizes the resources and governs well and the motivation of the participants is high.
The equal access refers to the products, which are public property of the holistic organization and not to the private property of its participants.
Holistic organization can be also a private corporation, which aims to transform itself, according to the holistic model. In this hypothesis it has to organize the management and redistribution of significant part of its property between its participants in a way which protects the interests of the subjects of the holistic model. There is no difference whether the property is of private or public and whether the organization is a corporation, a state, or an international organization as long as it is governed in the interest of the whole and equal access is provided to all participants.
The distribution in the holistic organization refers only to its members and not to all people. This limitation is necessary for many reasons. The first reason is that the resources of the organization are assigned to be used holistically by people, who are sharing the vision of holistic society. Participants are going to be motivated to work and to create, if they are sure that the products of the organization would be used with respect to the values of the community. This principle will strengthen the resilience, stability and self-sufficiency of the organization. Every other person, who is willing to receive products by a holistic organization, should have signed an agreement for cooperation with it, or to be in the process of becoming its member.
The access to goods and services for the participants of the holistic organization replaces the different payment in currency for their labor, devaluation and overvaluation of the products and the creation of different economic access for different working positions. In the process of elimination of the intermediaries in the internal trading, the overpricing of these products will decrease drastically, which means using much less resources of human labor to introduce a product in circulation to reach its final customer, who have ordered it.
It should be noted that modern day lack in economy is to large extend related to low remuneration and to overpricing of the products until they reach the market. Elimination of overpricing and of differentiation in the access to public goods and services will result in much more products for every participant.
In capitalistic society, equal access to goods in understood as the opportunity for everyone to buy a product on the free market, if he has the asked financial resources for it. Economic stratification and different remuneration of the people leads to a situation when a luxury product is too expensive for most of them and it becomes inaccessible. Even basic goods are impossible to be bought from many people, because their labor is evaluated as low. A product which is offered in the free market is available only for those, who can pay the price, the merchant wants for it.
The system of service to the whole does not use the provision of goods as a desired motivation for starting a job, or getting involved with a project. In the holistic organization the goods and services, which are created from public resources have the purpose to satisfy the needs of the participants by being managed in the best interest of the subjects of the holistic model.
Transparency of the system, strengthening of the motivation to live in service to the whole and expert criteria for reaching high-level managing positions are serious prerequisites for good governance.
How a human right does emerge and why most of the societies start to observe it?
The only reason a human right to emerge is when critical mass of people starts to express confidently their will that they desire respectful and human treatment towards themselves, or towards a group of beings in specific aspect of their relationship with others. The accepted human right not only delimitate the boundaries of the actions of the state towards the particular group, but presents a due care towards this group of people, or other beings. In this way society is restructured significantly and harmonious attitudes and respectful behavior are legally regulated.
Modern day societies have not reached the level of recognizing and accepting all human rights and this means they prefer to maintain an order of inhumane attitudes, relationship and social division.
In the system of service to the whole large amounts of the public goods are distributed, without being necessary to be sold to the participants, as explained above. A lot of energy and resources would be saved, because of avoiding competition and because of creating a system, which serves the man and other beings and not vise-versa.
Modern capitalistic model is building social relationships by purposefully creating shortages and economic holes, which are used to cripple the development of ordinary individuals and whole nations. Problems are created in order to find temporary solutions. The result is services which can be afforded by one group of people and remain unaffordable for another. The division of society on the basis of the goods, they own, polarizes poor and rich people. Both groups are fighting for their survival and are encouraged to live in service to the self.
There are several leading academic models of the American capitalistic class society, which is considered as a modern example for all nations of creating of social system in service to the self. They are very close to each other and the definitions and the numbers, they are presenting. Below are shown three of the most popular models. The first one is presented by Dennis Gilbert[1] and published in 2002; the second – by Leonard Beeghley[2] in 2004 and the third – by William Thompson and Joseph Hickey[3] in 2005.
Social stratification models
Table -1
The main conclusions which we can reach from reviewing these models are that in modern egoistic economic systems of social stratification there are two main criteria for determining the social group of a person.
The first is quantitative and is related to the property of the person and the income that he receives.
The second criterion is qualitative and is related with the status, that a person is given in the society. Beside his financial wealth this status can be awarded on the grounds of ancestral affiliation, achievements in certain field or an ordinary fame, which is not related with any special qualities.
Most of the people have been brought up with the attitude that social stratification on the grounds of economic division is a normal form of social order. For them it would seem unjust to be provided equal access to public goods, which are given to the participants as an act of economic right and not as a form of direct payment. The reason for this sensation of injustice lays in the persuasion of the masses that goods are supposed to be distributed unequally in order to serve as an indicator for personal achievements and public importance. In the public opinion is formed the thesis that “some people are better than others”, “more responsible”, “contribute more to society” and therefore they “deserve” bigger access to goods than others. Of course people, who are relying just on the public opinion are incapable to provide a meaningful answer to the question: Is it fair an honest person to work decently on three job positions, in order to provide the minimum for his family? They would ascribe this phenomenon to small disadvantage of the system and the lack of good education for the person, but they would not be able to find a theoretical solution to this systematic problem. Such thinking is intrinsic to people, who continue to regard goods as stimulus, which means thinking in the framework of an egoistic system.
The holistic organization manages and distributes its public property and it is its right and duty to stipulate the principle for equal access to public goods as a manifestation of basic human right. As the right to live is basic human right, which is not disputed by most states, as the right of equal access to public goods should become for the holistic organizations.
The stability of the capitalistic system is to large extend due to the circumstance that people are playing the social roles, that the system foresees for them and are unable to form a new model in the service to the whole, with more harmonious social roles. This means that the capitalist accumulates and protects his wealth and is looking for a way to make bigger profit only because his employees are unable to find another way of living and are enticed to be part of this plan as voiceless figures, who are not demanding service to the whole. If a person does not like the social role of an employee of a certain organization, in capitalistic system for him exists the opportunity to change it, or to become a salesman, or to provide some form of service, through which he could try to change the social role he is playing in society. Despite this personal change of the separate individual and the fact that he finds another job, this does not result in improving of the capitalistic system. The reason is that the effect of the labor does not necessarily leads to better satisfaction of the interests of humankind and the whole, if a person is forced by the market to exploit humans, animals, plants and Earth in order to remain competitive and make a profit. This merchant would be bounded to supply only the products that people are demanding.
The holistic model is presented as an alternative of the capitalistic one, and not as creation of a new social role or humanization of already existing in the frame of the capitalistic system. It is because of the different aims, placed in the systems, different approaches and methods that are used in them.
How would function the economy of a society, when is stimulated the driving force of service to the whole?
The responsible attitude towards the natural resources and their balanced use in the manufacturing process and consumption are of primal importance for preserving them for the future generations of humankind. This is main priority of the holistic economy. From the viewpoint of humankind Earth should be regarded as a superior being, which has accommodated many life forms, including humans. This vision guides us towards care for the planet for its own good and resource management which does not violate drastically its energetic balance. Therefore, the interest of humankind should never contradict the interest of Earth. On this principle is based the holistic economy – from production, logistics, consumption to recycling. It is necessary to be conducted many multidisciplinary researches in order to determine the right methods and technologies to perform all the processes. One of the most important principles should be the use of renewable energetic sources and technologies which are nature friendly in every stage of the economic processes. Their application should be widened to the point of becoming the only sources of energy. Finding the balance in the production process includes also nurturing animals and plants not only as a human resource, but caring for them as beings in a gentle ecological environment. The need to consume some of the species is undisputed at this point of human development, but it is very important to implement the principle of minimum violation of their interests in performing all human activities.
The development of technologies and wide introduction of renewable energetic sources in capitalistic society would not lead to cardinal social change in the states and to improvement of the life of the majority of people. Such technologies might be friendly to Earth, but they would still remain an economic burden for people, because capitalism requires constant dependence and carefully managed exploitation of everyone. People would never receive something, if they do not pay for it in egoistic system. Even when the energy comes from the Sun, for the ownership of needed devices a tax would be introduced, or they would be designed to be too expensive or for short-term usage, so that dependence is maintained and people are not free.
The conclusion is that introduction of new technologies in the civilization today would be positive for the humankind only if social changes are following them. Without such transformation of the social model, humans would remain economic slaves in an inhumane caste system.
Another basic principle in the holistic economy is that the products should be durable, maximum time of use and easily upgraded. Presently, many of the corporations are stimulated to develop non-durable products, to use materials with low quality and not the optimal technologies, which are available in order to be competitive for decades ahead and to provide cheap and new products as planned. Products with high quality which are durable are more expensive for most customers and less profitable for business, because the customers will not return for the new product next year.
Every reader is capable of finding many items, which were durable decades ago unlike their counterparts today. Behind this change relies economic logic and businesses are not supposed to be blamed for following it, because the market requires it. This economic logic is unfavorable and sometimes harmful for the users and it leads to negative impact on natural resources of Earth and unnecessary prolonging of retention of people in the production stage of economy. Typical examples of such products are automobiles and mobile devices. Contemporary capitalism and particularly the global market are forcing corporations to introduce innovation with a much slower step and with many new products in order to maximize the profits of their shareholders for generations. In the holistic economic model this compromise with innovations and useful life of items not only is unnecessary, but it is extremely undesirable, because much more natural resources and human resources are used in order to satisfy the same needs.
Holistic production includes the most ecological way of manufacturing of every product in a quality, which is optimal in matter of functions and as much possible to endure.
The implementation of these conditions would lead to much less use of natural resources with technologies which are much favorable to Earth.
The next advantage is that in all economic processes will be used much less human labor, because technological optimization would not lead to deprivation of basic goods for people, because products will be much durable and much easier for upgrade. In order to achieve these positive results, the economic activities should be planned presciently in an unseen scale until now and by completely different criteria than bigger profit for corporations.
The holistic organization has the authority to determine what type of goods should be produced and what kind of services provided with public resources, in order to be satisfied the interest of the whole and to be fulfilled in the best possible way the needs and desires of the participants of the organization. The selection of these items is made after gathering the preferences of all participants. At first glance this approach may seem limited and contradictory of the principles of the free market, but it is not correct and below is explained why.
What are the principles on which basis is produced one item in the capitalistic system? The cornerstone is whether there will be demand and who is capable to afford it and keep buying this type of products from the same corporation in the future. This leads to distortions and vicious practices in the relationship between a merchant and a customer. It is well known that good merchants are succeeding in influencing the desires of customers to acquire certain good. Modern marketing and maintained attitudes for social status impact the people significantly and shapes their culture of increasing consumerism and desire to have more and luxury goods.
The holistic economic model changes the prism and focuses on determining the real natural need of the consumer and to classify them by priority. It is an individually oriented economic model which satisfies the needs of the people at the same level and at the same time. The goods and services are produced, following the above mentioned principles of ecology, durability and optimal technical functionality.
Logically, determining the needs includes regarding the preferences of all participants and estimating the potential of the holistic organization to satisfy them. If the organization is unable to provide specific good, because it is from a higher class, too luxurious, or does not correspond with the interest of the whole, the person is free to acquire it on the free market as it happens in capitalistic societies today. The holistic system does not enforce more rigid regime of limitations than capitalism, but through good governance of the public resources it creates much bigger opportunities and much larger access to high quality of goods and services.
For example a member of the holistic organization may desire to have his own uniquely made 20-meter long yacht with public resources. The employees, who are responsible for applying the algorithm of evaluation of the needs of the holistic community and drawing out the priorities for satisfaction, would determine easily that it is not justified to use public resources for the creation of this type of items for everyone, who desire them, because they are very high class products. Therefore this product would not be in circulation for order and would not be provided to the person, because this would violate the principle of equal access to goods, produced with public resources. In this case the person, who desires to own such a yacht, is free to acquire it by paying someone to build it by paying him with his private property. This illustrates the distinction of the holistic system from the communistic, in which such an opportunity for free entrepreneurship is forbidden and luxurious goods and services are preserved for the high echelon of the communistic party.
Diversity of provided goods
Production of goods with public resources, intended for all participants of the holistic organization, does not mean that people would have the same things. On the contrary, the holistic system will be able to adopt itself to the individual needs and desires of the people to much larger extent than the capitalistic state, because the goods in the system are made on individual demand. How many people are ordering individual design of their house, or of their automobile, or of their clothes in capitalistic society? A few have such economic privilege and very few people have the esthetic desire for individual creative self-expression instead of blind following of tendencies and fashion.
In good governance and following the principles of the holistic society, every participant would have the opportunity to make an individual choice in the optimal boundaries of the system and not depending on his financial resources. Every holistic organization is going to have different capabilities and will draw different confines, but the participants will surely receive much more qualitative goods and services, which will be created on demand individually for him.
It would become achieved for every participant, without being necessary for him to pay, but because of the application of the mutual agreement between the person and the organization to provide desired labor in the service to the community. The subject of labor relations is separately studied in chapter six.
Presently, the cost of every product includes the expenses for the materials that it is made of, marketing, advertisement, logistics, petroleum footprint, costs for remuneration of the employees, profit for the manufacturer and profit for all merchants on the chain of intermediaries and many other components. The result is huge overpricing of every product and attachment of parasite components, which are not adding value to the good. When is increased the value of a good or service, this means that the person should find a way to increase his financial resources. The legal possibility for achieving such an increase is to work more.
The aim of the capitalistic market is to take the money of the person and his need is just a means for luring him. In the holistic system the creation of an item with public resources is conducted with the clear aim to satisfy the need of a participant. The focus of the system is on the useful effect of the product for the consumer. This would lead to huge optimization of the production process and to the removing of unnecessarily overpricing economic components on the chain. For example it would be unjustified to advertise an item which is foreseen to be provided for free to the person. This means that all costs for this activity and all human energy towards it would be redirected and substituted with ordinary information of the participants that the item is available and what are its characteristics. The function of the advertisement to influence the desires of the people and to form his intention to acquire certain good or service are undesirable for the holistic system, because it is important that products are satisfying needs which people are aware of and which are useful for him. The fact that advertisements are often forming artificial desires and attitudes among certain target group of consumers is a problem for the holistic economy, because it overshadows the freedom of the individual to evaluate calmly what are his needs.
The holistic system needs to have intelligent consumers, who understand in-depth not only their needs, but also the need of all participants and all people, because political decisions would be based on the understandings of all participants. These are consumers with high ethical standards which are based on self-respect, but also on respect of other people’s needs. In order to have such consumers, the education and information campaigns for the people should be encouraging the emergence of free, intelligent and good-hearted people. Only then consumers would be able to reach high level of personal awareness and self-responsibility. They would be able to make a distinction between their real natural needs from selfish egoistic desires, which are manipulated by outer forces. Such a consumer is not going to encourage himself to be dependent on a particular unhealthy product or to develop too much dependence to an ordinary product or service.
The holistic system should not include in the access to free goods and services products for which is scientifically proven that are unhealthy. It should not be encouraged excessive dependence to certain goods, because it is not in the interest of the individual and therefore not in the interest of the whole humankind. If a product is legally allowed to be on the market, even though it is proven to be unhealthy, it should be accessible to be bought and not provided for free. An example of such product is cigarettes. In this case the free will of the people is regarded and they can have access to these items. At the same time the holistic organization does not endorse addiction to unhealthy products and does not allocate resources for their production.
Capitalistic system, unlike the holistic one, needs to have easily amenable consumers, who can become dependent on different products and who can be manipulated via marketing tricks. This situation is favorable for businesses and for income of states. The prerequisite to create dependencies of the consumers leads to significant distortions in the whole economic process which is hindering the harmonic development of the individual and is not in the interest of the whole.
This need of easily amenable and irrational people is a huge obstacle for educational systems and instead of upbringing people with critical thinking, creative and responsible, capitalism is growing sheep, shepherds and wolves. Self-control, healthy decency and measure are highly unwanted features in people’s ethical system, because this will decrease the role of marketing, it would lead to less sales of products and overall constriction of economy. Much profitable for business is to pray on the unbalanced attitudes and addictions of the people instead of being of service to their development with the goods they are producing.
Completely different relation to things is presented in the holistic society. Therefore completely different purpose has the holistic economy.
The global planning of the whole economic process in a holistic organization leads to eliminating competition among its participants. However, competition will remain between it and the capitalistically oriented subjects, including states, corporations and individuals. Consequently, in the early stages of application of the holistic economy will be outlined the following tendency: the basic economic needs will be satisfied by the holistic organization and secondary, unhealthy and luxurious goods will be provided by capitalistic subjects for certain payment or barter. In case of good governance the holistic organization would become capable to provide secondary goods, which do not harm people’s health.
Global management of public resources in the interest of the whole will lead to decreasing the pressure over the production to make more and more goods and to widen the scope of consumers. It will be substituted by a stimulus for best possible governance and satisfaction of real natural need of the whole community by producing useful goods on demand. This motivation for the employees in the holistic economy will lead to much more creative solutions and much bigger level of satisfaction to all participants than capitalism is capable to propose.
[1] Gilbert, D. (2002). The American Class Structure: In An Age of Growing Inequality. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
[2] Beeghley, L. (2004). The Structure of Social Stratification in the United States. Boston, MA: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon
[3] Thompson, W. & Hickey, J. (2005). Society in Focus. Boston, MA: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon
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